Friday, March 02, 2018

I've Been Waiting Like A Knife To Cut Open Your Heart

I met her when I was 17 years old, and I thought she was the most beautiful woman. 
It was my first week at the University and I saw her standing next to a classroom. 
She had short black hair and wore tight jeans. 
She was smiling and seemed completely happy. 
Wonder how would it be to be by her side.
Wonder what was her name.

A couple of years later, I met her in a class.
We started talking about science fiction.
She loved science fiction movies.
She knew alot of cult authors and movies. 

For some reason I dunno remember, we kissed in a cemetery.
It was on a saturday midday. 
Later we met in a party.
We started to hang out, and for years it was awesome.

Saddly, she had an ex.
The guy was pathetic.
She was under pressure, 'cause the guy was so sad that had threatened her.
He said that he would kill himself if she was not his girlfriend.
He said that he would kidnap me and hurt me, just for the pleasure of see me suffering as he was suffering. 

He was desperate and pathetic. 
Even when he was older than us, he had the mind of a child.
One day, she and I argued 'cause her exboyfriend was calling up her all the time.
I was jealous and angst, and she called me by her boyfriend's name. 
Obviously, it was a habit.
She used to argue with him.

She was my first formal girlfriend and I loved her so much.
I felt indescribably sad and ill.
Hated her and didn't want to talk her anymore.

A month later, we fought and she behave like a stupid girl. 
I reacted like an animal. 
She suddenly was a princess, 'cause I had been rough.
I did not know in which way I had been rough and asked her, but she refused to tell me what was wrong.
I reacted like an animal and I hurted her. 

I was a jerk-off and she was a snob.
It ended up after god and bad days. 
It happen almost fifteen years ago. 
She's happily married and she has a couple of kids.
I'm happily married to, but yesterday I had a fight with my wife.
I am starting to think that I am a problematic man. 
I am the common factor in relationship fights. 

The Crying Tree Of Mercury

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